Help Navigating DHS Child Welfare
Each family situation is unique. You may need only brief assistance since most children living with relatives or in foster care return home within a short time. You may need help with resources and services over a number of months in order to care for your relative child.
When the child is in DHS Child Welfare custody, a caseworker evaluates the child’s and parent’s needs and your situation to assess what support you require to care for the child. This is a critical time in the case, and your active participation is essential to successful case planning. Services are available within DHS and in your community to meet the needs of the entire family.
For answers to legal questions please visit our Legal Guide.
You may experience frustration when dealing with public agencies. Know that staff have to interpret and apply complex, frequently changing rules. If you disagree with the decisions made by the DHS Child Welfare caseworker, you can contact the caseworker’s supervisor to discuss your concerns and review other options outlined in the agency grievance procedure pamphlet.